#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll ;
int main() {
ll n ;
cin>>n ;
//taking input --> size of graph
ll m ;
//taking input --> number of edges in the graph
cin>>m ;
vector <ll> G[n+7]; //constructing a graph using adjacency list
ll i = 1 ;
ll u,v ;
cin>>u>>v ; //reading the number of edges in the graph
//making un directed graph jii
queue <ll> q ; //declaring a queue
ll source ;
q.push(source) ; //pushing the source node in the queue
ll used[n+7] = {0}; //declaring an empty used array where in used[i] = 0 means this node has not yet been visited in our algorithm
used[source] = 1 ; //source node has been visited hence setting it = 1 and it is inserted in the queue as well jiiiiii
ll lvl[n+7] = {0}; //declaring level array this basically lets us know level of each node jiiiii
lvl[source] = 0 ; //lvl of source node which we mean the source node is 0 as we start from here jiiiiiiii
//BFS Algo
ll v = q.front(); //top most element of queue jii
q.pop(); //popping out the top most element of the queue jii........
for(auto u : G[v]){
//this simply means you'r iterating through all nodes connected to node v
//if the node u(node connected to v) has never been visited before then lets visit it jiii
used[u] = 1 ; //it has now been visited hence setting its values as 1
lvl[u] = lvl[v] + 1 ; //lvl[u] will be 1 greater than lvl[1] as we move 1 step forward from u to v jiii
i = 1 ;
cout<<lvl[i]<<" ";//lvl[i] gives the shortest distance of each node from source.
return 0 ;